近日,能源与建筑环境学院顾晓华课题组在Ceramics International的Top顶刊上发表了题为Industrial waste silica-alumina gel recycling: low-temperature synthesis of mullite whiskers for mass production的研究论文。该研究开创实现工业废硅铝凝胶成功回收,揭示了由工业废硅铝凝胶低温合成晶须产业化过程及制备机理,发现了一个新颖的低温合成晶须的绿色制备方法。研究结果显示以工业废硅铝凝胶和硫酸铝为原料,AlF3·3H2O和Na2SO4为助剂,采用气-液-固(V-L-S)法制备了高纯度莫来石晶须(图1)。采用XRD、TG-DTA、SEM等手段研究了烧结温度对莫来石化反应和莫来石形貌的影响(图2-图7)。结果表明:AlF3·3H2O和Na2SO4的引入改变了莫来化反应的路径,使莫来化反应的初始温度达到720℃;SEM结果表明,当烧结温度从720℃升高到825℃时,莫来石晶须由二次生长向各向异性生长转变。

Fig. 1 The preparation process of the mullite whisker.

Fig. 2 XRD patterns of samples sintering at different temperatures. (a) shows the full temperature change; (b) and (c) shows a representative change. (d) Rietveld refinement of X-ray powder diffraction data for E sample showing the observed (red circle) and calculated (solid black line) intensities, the calculated Bragg reflections (green tick marks), and the difference (solid blue line).

Fig. 3 SEM micrographs of samples sintering at different temperatures (A1-700 °C, A2-700 °C, A3 EDS analysis spectrum of the whisker from A2; B1-720 °C, B2 are the magnified SEM images of B1, B3 EDS analysis spectrum of the whisker from B2; C1-750 °C, C2 are the magnified SEM images of C1; C3 SEM shows the fine mullite whiskers that have been decomposed from the coarse whiskers; D1-800 °C, D2-800 °C, D3-800 °C; E1−825 °C, E2 and E3 are the magnified SEM images of E1.

Fig. 4 SEM micrographs of samples sintering at different temperatures (F-850 °C, G-875 °C, H-900 °C, I-950 °C, J−1000 °C).

Fig. 5 The morphological evolution model of mullite whiskers at different sintering temperatures.

Fig. 6 TEM characterization of mullite whiskers of sintered samples at 800 °C. (a, d) TEM image of a single mullite whisker; (b) HRTEM image; (c) The SAED of mullite whiskers. (e) shows the crystal structure of mullite along the [001] direction.

Fig. 7 TG-DTA curve of the samples in nitrogen atmosphere.

Fig. 8 The scheme of vapor-liquid-solid (V-L-S) growth mechanism of mullite using AlF3·3H2O assisted Na2SO4 molten salt method.